Pad Printing inks have very excellent release characteristics from the silicon pad. It is very important that the ink film on the pad becomes tacky by the solvent evaporation during the transfer process. Ink is used to mark or decorate parts. It comes in different chemical compositions to match the type of material to be printed. Pad printing inks are "solvent-based" and require mixing with additives at the time of use. They typically dry to touch in seconds although complete drying (cure) might take a substantially longer period of time. Inks of today (Year 2011) have come a long way. There are many more option. Two part inks usually have a pot life only a few hours or so. Ink choices are available in many convenient and time saving forms, but for some substrates you will have to use the type of ink that best adheres to the surface. It is very important that the proper ink viscosity is maintained during the printing process by adding thinner at frequent intervals after (approx. every one hour) during the day. Ink viscosity plays crucial role in the image transfer process.

Often seasonal changes will affect the actual ratio of solvent used. For e.g the solvent may flash quickly in winter because of dry air than in summer when there is moisture in air. Most of the printing problems that are seen in summer directly relate to heat or humidity levels on higher side.

Climatic conditions will significantly affect the performance of any pad printing ink, specially the open ink well style printers. Also the climate affect other aspects of printing process such as ink pick-up and release from the plate to the pad to the substrate, as well as keep this in mind when planning the location of your pad printer. Generally the inks used are one component inks which can be re-used again and again. Whereas two component inks can't be used again and again. When we speak of two component inks we are always refering to hardener as the second component. The addition of hardner allows the ink to resist mechanical abrasion and most solvents. It is also necessary to give two component ink a heat cure. It is important to note the difference between the terms "dry" and "cure". "Dry" simply means dry to the touch. It does not imply that ink is cured. "Curing" means that an ink has undergone a chemical reaction and its physical structure has reaches a maximum level of performance. Various inks are formulated to allow adhesion to different products/substrates.

Two component inks are also widely used in industrial pad printing requirements. Maximum recommended thinner ratio is 15-20%. When you are going to use the ink thoroughly stir the ink in its can as soon as you open it so that any ingredients of the ink that may have settled down are properly mixed into the entire contents. All good inks deserves good mixings. Inks are available in every colour imaginable, they also come in a variety of series which are specific to the type of substrate to be printed on. Different materials react differently to the various elements in inks. For example, the ink used for printing on certain plastics may not adhere to glass or aluminum. There are medical grade inks for use in the medical industry, as well as edible inks which can be pad printed onto candles or other food products.


Param International feels proud in telling that we have developed best quality steel material plates of lot many different sizes to cater the needs of clients of our machines and also those who are having some different models.
The benefit of these type of Laser Etched steel plates is that they can be used for very very long printing runs and when some particular designs is not to be used again, these plates can be re-grinded and again laser etched with new design as required. Both sides of the plates can be made. These are non-sensitive to aggresive inks. Good quality steel plates can run for millions of prints. The experienced product printing operators, who are familiar with pad printing process know clarity and definition of print produced is the quality of the steel plate. The steel plate durability relates directly to chemical make up, flatness, hardness and surface finish.


Many different types of sealed ink cups for different pad printing machines with various sizes like 40mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm, 90mm, 100mm, 110mm, 120mm, etc. are available. You can purchase extra cups for machines to reduce the ink colour changing time during printing.


Product or Substrate is the technical name used to address any parts of material to be printed, it is critically important to match substrates and ink series so as to their chemical compatibility.
You will need a "fixture or zig" In order to hold and support your substrate in order to hold and support your substrate in order to ensure good quality printing. Fixtures vary in materials and complexity depending on the application.
Some substrates like LDPE, HDPE & PP cannot be printed without pre-treatment prior to the printing process. For this, the area to be printed of these substrates must be pre-treated by flame treatment or using base-coat.

OPEN INKWELS of different size are specially made and also provided on requirement.

INK CUPS of 60 mm and 90 mm are also available.

BLADES of different sizes are provided on your valuable orders.

CUP SYSTEM saves inks and works more economical in long runs. This system tackles several problems that are caused by ink on the machine being exposed to air. With cup you can ink and protect the ink from dust also.

Minimum evaporation of solvents. No solvents smells. Highest and constant printing quality because of equal ink viscosity.

Also suitable for in-line machines (as constant monitoring is not necessary.) Short or medium shifts stops do not make any problem (no drying even during overnight stops) therefore production efficiency is higher.

Two component ink system is having a longer pot life. The cup is easily removable from the plate and you can change any colour with in 5 minutes. These machines can reduce the cost of production by actually saving the inks and solvents by nearly 40%.

SHUTTLE System is suitable for Multi color printing i.e. 2-colour etc. It is pneumatically driven and gives perfect registration with a tolerance of +- 0.02mm

The schuttle is mounted on a working table that can be moved up and down. It is electronically synchronized with all pad printing machines.

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